Karin Bruckner

Save The Earth

Artists respond to the climate crisis

Karin Bruckner

Show Of Hands, Mixed Media Sculpture Hand printed papers, Acetate, printed Film, Copper, Gold and Silver Leaf, Wire, Enamel, Pins, Text, 20” x 13” x 10”, 2020

    "Over the course of several months this piece developed from a monotype diptych into a sculptural object.It began Pre Pandemic as a rumination on our compromised electoral process, the title literally referring to a much needed ‘Show of Hands’ - a rallying cry of sorts to make ourselves seen and heard to the people who rule us. In the course of the pandemic driven lockdown it morphed into something more all encompassing, the surface began to buckle and show holes. The rallying cry became a cry for help. As we were hurting on so many levels, we began to break through the narrative, The desire to be counted became a desire to prevail. A sea of hands is reaching from the maelstrom for hope and rescue. The text clinging to the edge and surrounding the object reads as follows:

a show
of hands
reaching for
the sky
grasping at
thin air
breaking through
raising hell
some soaked
with blood
choosing sides
twisting reality
a grip
on something
or someone
feeling for
a handle
the universe"

Karin Bruckner
