Barbara Slitkin

Save The Earth

Artists respond to the climate crisis

Barbara Slitkin

Clear The Air

    "While in lockdown/pause have we noticed a Clearing of the Air?  A friend voiced to me over the phone a few weeks back.  Yes, we agreed, our skies have been cleaner.   Yes, less pollution. Fewer cars, and airplanes. In a recent Solo show, I presented a theme depicting the fantasy adventures of a former black and white cat who had superpowers.  I did not plan on painting about ‘climate change’, or to SAVE the Earth, much of my art emerged as things often do out of thin air, and a lighthearted sense of whimsy always letting images come, as they reveal themselves.   Inspiration is just paying close attention!  Ideas spring forth one, after the other.   Sometimes there is a theme, or a general idea of what to do.  That is not usually flushed out from the start, that happens as I go.  Often, with a color preference. Textural elements often help to form images on the work.  I sculpt 3D, and paint, my paintings often bridge both.  "

Barbara Slitkin
